Payment Options

There are multiple ways to pay for your college tuition. Here is a list of options available to you.

Online by credit card or e-check

You may pay in full online by logging into myLSSC, navigating to the Student Links card, and then go to myLSSC and click the Make a Payment link on the Student Links card.

Payment Plans

LSSC offers a three-pay payment plan through CashNet. This plan allows students to pay tuition and fees for full-semester courses over time rather than in one lump sum. The date this plan is offered and further details can be found on myLSSC and click the Make a Payment link on the Student Links card.

Spring 2025 Payment Plan

A three-pay payment plan is available until January 19, 2025. One-third of the total payment is due, and a $25.00 enrollment fee is required upon sign-up. The remaining two payments are due on 2/10/2025 and 3/10/2025.

Check or Money Order

Payments can be made by check or money order using the secure drop box on the Leesburg campus or sent through USPS mail.

Be sure the student’s full name and LSSC ID (X-ID) are written on the check/money order. Please make accommodations to ensure that the payment will reach LSSC prior to the appropriate payment deadline.

Mail payments to:
Lake-Sumter State College
Attention: Student Accounts
9501 U.S. Highway 441
Leesburg, FL 34788

Payment Deadline

Students risk being removed from ALL their registered courses and will need to re-register if seats are available, if the semester’s balance is not paid in full, or if a payment plan is not signed up for by the fee payment deadline.

Spring 2025 Full Term and A7 Term

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (3:59 pm).

The drop deadline (last day to drop classes for a refund) is Sunday, January 19, 2025 (11:59 pm).

** Please email before the above deadline if a hold is preventing you from dropping a class **

Spring 2025 B7 Term

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 (3:59 pm).

The drop deadline (last day to drop classes for a refund) to Sunday, March 9, 2025 (11:59 pm).

** Please email before the above deadline if a hold is preventing you from dropping a class **

Credit Card Payment Policy

A convenience fee will apply to all payments made by credit card for LSSC tuition, fees, and other account charges, including application fees.

Credit card payments are only processed through myLSSC using CashNet. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express will be accepted.

Cardholders will be notified of the convenience fee at the time of payment and be given the opportunity to opt out of the transaction and choose another payment option. In no case may CashNet SmartPay charge the fee without disclosure to the cardholder prior to finalizing payment.

Students can avoid paying the convenience fee by paying through myLSSC with an e-check (ACH bank transfer from checking or savings account).

Payment Confirmation

Students should confirm that their fees have been paid in full in CashNet before the fee payment deadline, even if they are anticipating Financial Aid, Loans, Scholarships, or Third-Party Payments.

Course Drop Deadline

Students are responsible for dropping themselves from any course they do not wish to attend by the course drop deadline for the specific for the specific semester/part of term that you’re enrolled. If they are still enrolled in a course after the drop deadline, they will be held financially responsible for their registered courses’ full cost.


Financial aid disbursement schedule can be accessed here.

If you are due a refund on your student account, such as from a financial aid award, this refund will be issued by direct deposit or mailed as a check. To receive your refund in the shortest amount of time, sign up for direct deposit in CashNet.

When will my Financial Aid refund be disbursed?

Refunds for Financial Aid are processed within 14 business days of the Financial Aid department disbursing financial aid. Disbursement happens after your professor(s) have reported initial attendance. Attendance is reported following the second week of the term. If you are enrolled in a B-term class, aid will be disbursed after initial attendance is reported.

How to Set up Direct Deposit

To set up direct deposit, go to myLSSC and click on the Make a Payment link on the Students Links card. Once in CashNet, click My Account on the left hand navigation bar, then click Sign Up under the Direct Deposit eRefunds section.

Parking Fee Waiver

Beginning Fall 2020, Lake-Sumter State College added a $2.00 per credit hour parking fee for all in-person and hybrid classes. If you have an in-person or hybrid class but do not park on campus, please take a moment to fill out the Parking Fee Waiver Request form in Workflow. Once you’ve logged in, click the blue +Case button, then search for Parking Fee Waiver Request.

Please be aware that parking fee waivers only apply to the current term, and that a new waiver form will have to be submitted at the start of each new term.

Financial Obligations

Students are responsible for paying all charges related to their attendance at LSSC. Obligations including outstanding student tuition and fees, parking fines, and returned checks can be paid online through myLSSC and selecting Make a Payment Link in the student link box on myLSSC.

Library fines must be paid at the Library. Students who have not satisfied all financial obligations to the College will not be permitted to register for future courses.

Please refer to the information here for information regarding repayment of Federal Financial Aid.

Unpaid accounts are subject to submission to an outside collection agency and will be reported to the credit bureau. In these cases, students will be responsible for additional collection charges on all delinquent accounts referred to collections, as well as any related court costs.

Florida Prepaid

To apply Florida Prepaid to your account, we will need an ID card. Generating this card is easy; follow these instructions.

  1. Log in to your Florida Prepaid account
  2. Select “Manage Plans.”
  3. Click the hyperlink of your name
  4. Choose “Generate ID Card.”
    Once you have the PDF document, please send it to Please keep in mind that some Florida Prepaid plans may only cover about 89% of tuition and that additional fees (lab/supply fees, distance learning fees, etc.) are not covered.

Tax Forms

1098-T forms for each tax year will be available by January 31 of the following year. 1098-T forms are furnished electronically and may be generated/printed using Make a Payment on myLSSC. Please note that a 1098-T will not be generated if the amount paid out-of-pocket does not exceed the amount of financial aid, scholarships, and/or grants received by a student for the given year.


On CampusHours of Operation
Monday – Friday8:00am – 4:30pm

Phone: (352) 435-6307

South Lake – Student Accounts

On CampusHours of Operation
Monday – Friday8:00am – 4:30pm

Phone: (352) 435-6307