A Commitment to Student Success

Four Pillars of Pathways graphic - clarify the path, enter the path, stay on the path, and ensure learning

Our students deserve the best opportunity to determine their goals and succeed in achieving them.

As such, we have embraced the Guided Pathways framework, what we’re calling Guided Pathways to Success (GPS), as essential to our college’s future success. 

The educational path can still be too long, too confusing, and too costly for many students.

Guided Pathways requires a collective effort to systematically change how our students interact and engage with the College, directed by evidence-based practices and focusing on outcomes.

Guided Pathways focuses on:

  • Mapping pathways to reach end goals
  • Helping students choose and enter a program pathway
  • Keeping students on a path
  • Ensuring that students are learning

Guided Pathways embraces what is working well and provides guidance for what needs to change. Throughout this process, we will pursue a full integration of our instruction, systems, and support services that will improve retention, completion, and address achievement gaps in a manner that aligns to our service area, changing demographics, and our strategic plan.

Through an institution-wide commitment, we will foster transformational change at Lake-Sumter State College through the implementation of Guided Pathways to Success.