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ECP Eustis High School Recruitment Session

Off Campus Site Event

Informational ECP table during lunches.View the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/site/recruitingoffsite/event/ecp-eustis-high-school-recruitment-session/

Lake tech graduation

LE Gym,Magnolia Room

Lake tech graduationView the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/event/lake-tech-graduation/

Lake tech graduation

LE Gym,Magnolia Room

Lake tech graduationView the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/event/lake-tech-graduation-1/

ECP Carver Middle School- Recruitment

ECP informational table during lunches.View the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/site/recruitingoffsite/event/ecp-carver-middle-school--recruitment/

ECP Recruitment Talent Search Grey Middle School

Off Campus Site Event

ECP Recruitment Talent Search Grey Middle SchoolView the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/site/recruitingoffsite/event/ecp-recruitment-talent-search-grey-middle-school/

Talent Search- Recruitment

Off Campus Site Event

Recruitment at Gray Middle school for the Talent Search programView the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/site/students/event/talent-search--recruitment/

ECP Meeting with City of Groveland Talent Search

Off Campus Site Event

Meeting City of Groveland representative with Hailey Reid for Talent Search recruitment purposes on South Lake campusView the full event details here: https://events.dudesolutions.com/lssc/site/recruitingoffsite/event/ecp-meeting-with-city-of-groveland-talent-search/