General FAQ
To request an official transcript, click here. It is $3.00 per transcript and takes about a week to get to the destination. Be aware of mailing options and boxes labeled: “send now", “send once grades have been posted”, and “send once degree has been conferred”.
Pre-req and test score – The class has prerequisites that have not been met before attempting to register for that class. Check the catalog for the prerequisites for the class and see an academic advisor if you have questions.
Academic Standing prohibits registration – Based on prior grades, you are on probation (1 semester below 2.0 GPA) or suspension (2+ semesters below 2.0 GPA) and must make an appointment with an academic advisor.
Closed section – The class is full to capacity as well as the waitlist.
Time-ticket/Only can register on 12/31/2099 – You have a hold on your account regarding missing transcripts. Contact the Admissions & Records Office at 352-787-3747.
- Login to myLSSC via
- After logging in, click on Registration on the Student Links card
- Click Register for Classes
- Select a Term for which you are planning to register and click the Submit button.
- Click on Registration then Add/Drop and then Course Withdrawal Tools
- Before beginning the registration process, always make sure you are eligible to register in myLSSC.
- Visit
- Click on the Student Tab
- Select Registration - Add/Drop - Course Withdrawal
- Click Check Registration Status link in the Student tab.
- Select a term for which you are planning to register and click the Submit button.
- Scroll down. If you see only green check marks, you are ready to register. If you have any holds, click the View Holds link at the bottom of the screen to see who placed the hold.
You can review course registration times at or by logging into myLSSC.
You may search the classes using the tools described on the Course Registration page.
Write down the 5 digit CRNs for selected courses that you will be adding during registration.
Co-requisite or pre-requisite error: you are missing a co-requisite or pre-requisite for the course. In order to solve a co-requisite courses you will have to register for courses that must be taken at the same time. For example, registration must occur for NUR 2601 and NUR 2601L at the same time.
To solve a pre-requisite error, you must register for the prerequisite for the earliest term and the second course in the preceding term. For example, you must first register for BSC 1010C for the summer term, and then add BSC1011C for the fall term.
Maximum hours exceeded error: This means you have exceeded the maximum credit hours you are eligible to register for (18 credit hours for Fall and Spring terms; 13 credit hours for the Summer term)
Time conflict error: The system tells you which class you are already registered for that is causing the time conflict.
- Click on the Student tab in myLSSC.
- Click on the Select a Term for Course Registration and Course Withdrawal.
- From the drop down menu select the term to add the course.
- Click Submit Changes.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Detailed Schedule.
LSSC does offer payment plans. Visit the Payment Plan page at Student Accounts for more information.
Students can pay online with a debit/credit card or E-Check. To pay online, log into, navigate to the Student Links card & click on the “Make a Payment” link.
We are unable to accept payments in person.
A convenience fee will be applied to all debit/credit card transactions.
E-Check (ACH bank transfer from checking or savings) is not assessed a fee.
For more information, please visit the Student Payments page
Your Florida Prepaid letter/ID card or ID number must be submitted to the Student Accounts Office by email to before the published fee payment deadline. Depending on the type of Prepaid account, any lab fees or school fees (outside of the general tuition) may not be covered. Once registered for classes, check your CashNet account to see if any remaining fees are due; you are responsible for paying for any remaining balances before the payment deadline.
No. Students must first complete MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra, the prerequisite course for MAC 1105 College Algebra.
You can register for a closed class, but it will prompt you to add youself to the WaitList. Make sure that you have activated your LakeHawk Mail account. When a registered student drops from the class, the next person on the waitlist will be notified via their LakeHawk Mail. That student will have 24 hours to accept or reject the seat before the Waitlist spot is emailed to the next person. (Refer to WaitList FAQ on myLSSC)
Lake-Sumter State College is committed to ensuring that all students receive access to a fair, equitable and timely grievance process without retaliation. LSCC seeks to maintain clear pathways for students who wish to lodge complaints or pursue grievances and appeals. To provide these pathways, the College maintains a responsive system designed to address and resolve student complaints.
The student grievance resolution process includes:
- Informal Complaints
- Formal Complaints/Grievances
- Appeals
Students have the right to appeal administrative decisions and are encouraged to use available informal means in the resolution of the complaint prior to filing a formal complaint or grievance. If the matter cannot be resolved through the informal process as shown in the LSSC Resolution of Student Grievances/Complaints chart in the LSSC Catalog and Student Handbook, the student may elect to proceed through a formal written process through the Administrative Appeals process.
LSSC permits four types of written administrative appeal requests including student requests for late withdrawal, administrative drop/refund, a waiver to avoid the full cost of instruction of a third attempt, and a fourth course attempt.
In-person, phone advising, and online advising. For existing students, use Starfish to make an appointment with your advisor. For prospective students, visit the advising website and determine the campus advising location that best suits your needs.
All first time in college and dual enrollment students are required to complete a New Student Advising & Registration session prior to registering for classes.
Login to myLSSC via
After logging in, click on Registration on the Student Links card.
Click on View Registration Information.
Click on the Active Registrations to view your schedule.
Yes, repeating a course where a D or lower grade was earned is the quickest way to increase your Grade Point Average (GPA). Be warned that only the newest grade is averaged in the Grade Point Average; therefore, if you earn an F when trying to forgive a D - only the F will be factored in the Grade Point Average.
When a student's GPA is below a 2.0, the academic standing changes to warning. A hold is placed on the student's account which blocks the student from registering for courses. Instructions for removing the hold will be sent to the student's LSSC email.
Complete a Change of Program Request Form and submit to the Admissions & Records Office. You will need to meet with an advisor to discuss program prerequisites.
Check myLSSC as soon as grades post and adjust your schedule accordingly. You can meet with an advisor to discuss your options.
In compliance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0541, a 100% refund of tuition and fees will occur only when classes are dropped within the college’s established add-drop time period. Refunds are not issued for classes from which the student withdraws after the established add-drop time period. However, LSSC allows the full refund (100%) of tuition and fees in cases of serious circumstances beyond the student’s control that occur prior to the mid-point (50% of instructional days) of the semester and prevent the student from completing the semester. In the case of mini-mester courses, the circumstances must occur prior to the mid-point of the course. The student’s reasons for pursuing the appeal must be fully explained and documented, in writing, and are limited to the following: involuntary call to military duty, death of the student, illness of the student of such severity and duration that attendance in class is not possible from the onset of the illness through the end of the semester, or technical errors associated with the student’s admission, advising or registration on the part of the college or college staff.
Requests for withdrawal from courses beyond the deadline date may be granted due to serious circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevent successful completion of the course. Withdrawal exceptions must be submitted within one year of the last day of the term for which the student is submitting an appeal. Requests made after that time will not be considered. Approved requests will result in a “W” on the student transcript and count towards the student’s college and financial aid completion ratio. The student’s reasons for pursuing the appeal must be fully explained and documented, in writing, and are limited to the following: involuntary call to military duty, death of a student, documented illness/injury of a student or a member of the student’s immediate family (spouse/partner, parent or child), or severe exigent circumstances.
Students may repeat only those classes in which they have received a grade of W, D, U or F (a non-passing grade) in compliance with F. S. Section 1009.285 and F. S. Section 1009.28. Students attempting the same developmental course or the same college credit course for the third time must pay 100% of the full cost of instruction for those courses. The full cost of instruction is equivalent to the cost of out-of-state tuition. The student’s reasons for pursuing the waiver of the full cost of instruction and request appeal must be fully explained and documented, in writing, and are limited to the following: involuntary call to military duty, death of student’s immediate family member, illness of student or member of student’s immediate family (spouse/partner, parent or child), disability, non-native speaker/ESL, change in conditions of employment or financial hardship.
Students may repeat only those classes in which they have received a grade of W, D, U or F (a non-passing grade) in compliance with F. S. Section 1009.285 and F. S. Section 1009.28.
Students attempting the same developmental course or the same college credit course for the fourth time must pay 100% of the full cost of instruction for those courses. The full cost of instruction is equivalent to the cost of out-of-state tuition.
A fourth attempt may be allowed only through a formal review process, which the student must initiate through the appeals process with an academic advisor. The student’s reasons for requesting a fourth course attempt appeal must be fully explained and documented, in writing, and are limited to the following: involuntary call to military duty, death of student’s immediate family member, illness of student or member of student’s immediate family (spouse/partner, parent or child), disability, non-native speaker/ESL, change in conditions of employment, or financial hardship.