Through the generosity of supporters of Lake-Sumter State College, the Foundation awards over $1,250,000 in scholarships each year to students attending LSSC. All LSSC students with a 2.0 GPA or above are encouraged to apply. The amount and number awarded vary from year to year based on available funding.
- Applications MUST be completed by the applicant. Under no circumstances can parents, teachers or counselors complete a scholarship application for a student.
- Scholarship criteria varies, some scholarships are for specific areas of study or for individuals with specific backgrounds or needs. The online application will determine your eligibility based on your questionnaire answers. Applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible, assuming all pertinent and required materials are included.
- Scholarships are available for both full-time and part-time students.
- International students are welcome to apply.
- If these requirements are not satisfied, the Foundation reserves the right to revoke scholarship funds.
- Students must complete the application entirely. Some common mistakes students make is not providing accurate financial information and not providing an accurate GPA.
Application Deadlines
Foundation scholarships are available three times per year. For the Fall Semester, students can apply during the month of June, for the Spring Semester the month of October and for the Summer Semester the month of March.
Notification of Awards
The Foundation manages a review committee of faculty, staff, and Foundation Board members, who review all applications. Scholarship awards are determined through a combination of the student’s academic achievement, essay answers, and financial need.
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by email.
For more information about scholarships please contact the Foundation at (352) 365-3518 or
200 Scholarships and Counting
- 2004 Homebuilders Endowment
- Academic Foundation Endowment
- AdventHealth Waterman Medical Staff Scholarship
- Altrusa International of Lake County Scholarship
- AMF Bowling Scholarship
- Anne Marie Molnar Martin Memorial Endowment
- Arthur & Esther Ohlsson Charitable Trust
- Association of Florida Colleges (AFC) Scholarship
- ATEX/Bartch Endowment
- Athletics Scholarship
- Atley Family Endowment
- BAS Organizational Management Scholarship
- Bertha Hereford Hall Scholarship
- Beta Theta ESA Endowment
- Bettie Hutchinson Memorial Endowment
- Betty Jo & George Warren Scholarship
- Blue Cross & Blue Shield Scholarship
- Booth Foundation Scholarship
- Brighter Futures/ Dream Makers Scholarship
- C.V. Griffin Foundation Fund
- C.V. Griffin Nursing Endowment
- Campman Parents to Professionals Scholarship
- Carl & Mary Voltz Memorial Scholarship
- CDL Scholarship
- Cecil Clark Memorial Endowment
- Celia Linda Kissner Scholarship
- Charles & Mary McLin Scholarship
- Christopher Staff Memorial Endowment
- Citizens First Bank Scholarship
- City of Fruitland Park Residents Scholarship
- Coca Cola Athletics Scholarship
- College Outreach Program Scholarship
- Community Foundation of South Lake County
- Delbert Mark Copeland Memorial Scholarship
- Delorise Isham-Presley Kids College Scholarship
- Delorise Isham-Presley Summer Bridge Book Scholarship
- Deputy Wayne Koester Memorial Endowment
- Discovery Fund
- Dorothy E. Schultz Memorial Scholarship
- Dr. Chuck & Cathy Mojock Endowment
- Dr. Ellen Onishchuk Endowment
- Dr. Paul P. Williams Scholarship
- Dr. Raymond Jackson Memorial Scholarship
- Dr. Robert Westrick Endowment
- Dr. Sylvia Thomasson Memorial Scholarship
- Duke Energy Scholarship
- Eagle Scout Scholarship
- Earl & Sophia Shaw Charitable Athletic Trust
- Earl & Sophia Shaw Scholarship
- East Lake Co Chamber of Commerce
- Electrical Distribution Technology
- Elizabeth Kerekes Nursing Scholarship
- Elks Club of Clermont & Groveland Endowment
- Ellanora McGinty Scholarship
- Episcopal Church Women of St. James
- Ernie Morris Enterprises Endowment
- Eustis Service League
- Filomena Arborio Dillard Endowment
- First Baptist Church/Donald Ferguson Memorial Endowment
- First Generation in College Matching Grant
- First Generation in College Scholarship
- First National Bank of Mt. Dora
- First United Methodist Church of Wildwood
- Florida Public Relations Association Scholarship
- Frank J. & Helen DeScipio Scholarship
- Franklin Futures
- Fruitland Park Lions Club
- Gail Gross Memorial Endowment
- George O. Pringle Memorial Endowment
- Ginny Jones Memorial Endowment
- Gladys Steinberg Memorial Scholarship
- Gracie Lauer Memorial Nursing Endowment
- H. Guy and Anne W. Thompson
- Hans and Cay Jacobsen Scholarship
- Hawthorne Memorial Endowment
- Heather Strickler Endowment
- Helen B. Spiewak Scholarship
- Helios Education Foundation Scholarship
- Helping Hands Scholarship (Albert Leroy Brown)
- Hewitt, McLin, Talley and Young Endowment
- J.D. & Marie Burnsed Academic Endowment
- Jackie Clark Scholarship
- Jenkins Auto Group Endowment
- Joe T. Scholarship
- John & Almarene W. Outlaw Scholarship
- John Brandeburg Memorial Endowment
- John Wade & Dorothy Louise Stafford Nursing Memorial
- Johnson Scholars STEM Scholarship
- Joyce Brautcheck Employee Book Fund
- JP Donnelly Estate Trust
- Karen S. Beard “United in Praise” Endowment
- Ken & Melanie Wagner Athletic Scholarship
- Kids’ College Scholarship Fund
- Kiwanis Club of Lady Lake
- Kiwanis Club of Leesburg-Noon
- Kiwanis Club of Leesburg-Sunrise
- Kiwanis Club of Wildwood Endowment
- Lake County Bar Association Scholarship
- Lake County Fair Association Scholarship
- Lake County Medical Auxiliary
- Lake County Quilters Guild Scholarship
- Lake County Retired Educators Scholarship
- Lake-Sumter Computer Society Scholarship
- Lakeview Terrace Nursing Scholarship
- LaRee Wilke Scholarship Fund
- Laura A. Clark HIT Memorial Endowment
- Leesburg Rotary-Wendell Husebo Scholarship
- Lifestream Nursing Scholarship
- Linemen Boot Camp Program
- Lion’s Club, Tavares
- Lion’s Club-Orange Blossom Scholarship
- Lion’s Club-Umatilla
- Loretta & Janet Gouveia Scholarship
- LRMC Auxiliary Scholarship
- LSSC Alumni Scholarship
- LSSC Ambassador Program
- LSSC Annual Gala Scholarship
- LSSC Faculty Scholarship
- LSSC Foundation Performing Arts Scholarship
- LSSC General Scholarship
- LSSC Nursing Program Legacy Scholarship
- LSSC Past President Scholarship
- LSSC Retired Faculty Scholarship Fund
- Lu Shields Scholarship
- Mae Mueller Memorial Scholarship
- Manser Completion Endowment
- Marian S. Shuck Scholarship Trust
- Martin E. & Margaret B. Stricklen Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Mary K. Dixon Memorial Endowment
- Mary Kay Geiger Leware Memorial Nursing Endowment
- Maxwell Brown Business Ethics
- McKee Endowment for Nursing Scholarship
- McLean Family Scholarship
- Mercy Hurd Scholarship
- Mike Holt Enterprises Scholarship
- Milton Lang Scholarship-Rotary Club of The Villages
- Morrison United Methodist Church Scholarship
- Mt. Dora Junior Woman’s Club
- Nancy Wahl Elementary Educational Scholarship
- New Directions Women’s Program
- New Life Presbyterian Church Scholarship
- Newman Family Scholarship
- Orval Hagerty Endowment
- Paul Tumlin Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- Pete Wahl Bachelor of Leadership Scholarship
- PEO Scholarship for Women in BSN
- Piecemakers Quilters of The Villages
- Pig on the Pond Scholarship
- PowerOne Technology Endowment
- Quenesa C. Sams Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Rick Rojas RJ Builders Endowment
- Robert L. Patrick Nursing Endowment
- Robert Syme Trust Scholarship
- Robuck Family Trust Scholarship
- Rogers Foundation Scholarship
- Ro-Mac Lumber Scholarship
- Rossbaum Memorial Trust
- Rotary Club of Mount Dora
- Ruth S. & Roy Ryan Scholarship
- Sarah Richardson Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Scott Baccalaureate Program
- Senator Alan Hays Scholarship
- Seron Trust
- Sheila Hall Memorial Book Fund
- Sheriff Chris Daniels Memorial Endowment
- South Lake Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
- South Lake County Rotary Scholarship
- South Lake Elks Lodge Endowment
- Sparkman Fiduciary Endowment Fund
- Stephen F. Donohue Memorial Endowment
- Steverson-Blundell Memorial Scholarship
- Students Helping Students Endowment (SGA)
- Sumter Golf Tournament Scholarship
- Sunshine Circle King’s & Daughters
- Technical Career Endowed Scholarship
- Ted Jones Memorial Scholarship
- The Dr. James Partyka and Helen Partyka Scholarship
- The Villages Dollars for Scholars
- Thomas Family Endowment
- Timothy & Sharon K. Morris Nursing Endowment
- Tomoka Chapter Daughters American Revolution Scholarship
- Tony Bjorn Memorial Endowment
- Tully C. Patrowicz Cultural Trust Fund Scholarship
- Umatilla Women’s Club Endowment
- V. Arline Edwards Scholarship
- Veterans Leatherneck Scholarship
- VITAS Healthcare Nursing Endowment
- Voiture 400 40/8 HO Robbins Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Voiture 400 40/8 North Lake County Nursing Scholarship
- William & Opal Wilson Memorial Scholarship
- William C. & Eunice N. Thompson Scholarship
- William W. & Elsie J. Turner Endowment
- Winifred H. Lowry Scholarship
- Wolverine Gasket Company Endowment
- Woman’s Club of Leesburg
- Woman’s Club of Umatilla
- Woman’s Club Wildwood
- Youth Outreach Scholarship
- Zonta International
- Zora Kunde (Nursing Scholarship)
- Zuma Scholarship