Employee | Department | Contact Info |
Abarca, Lesley Student Assistant |
Career Development |
AbarcaL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Abbate, Cheryl Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Academic Affairs |
AbbateC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Acct, Svc Dir Technology Infrastructure |
Information Technologies |
JohnsoRW@LSSC.EDU 323-3687 |
Acharya, Tanvi Student Assistant |
Library |
AcharyaT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Acosta, Briana Math Emporium Instructional Assistant I SU |
Math Emporium |
AcostaB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Adams, William Assistant Professor, Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
AdamsW1@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6576 |
Adkins, Christy Executive Director, Student and Career Engagement |
Student Engagement & Develop |
AdkinsC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--219 |
Albee-Levine, Dr. Amy Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness |
Academic Affairs |
AlbeeLeA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3626 |
Albert, Roland Facilities Technician III Structural |
Facilities |
AlbertR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3538 |
Aldrich, Jesse Enrollment Counselor and Recruiter |
Enrollment Services |
AldrichJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6563 |
Allender, Justin Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
AllendeJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Allred, Ashley Coordinator, Testing Center |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
AllredA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3617 |
Ambrosini, Philip Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
AmbrosPh@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Amcher, c Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Faculty |
AmcherJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Anderson, Edwin Adjunct, Music |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
AndersoE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Anderson, Haden Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
AndersoH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2206 |
Anthony, Cheryl Director, Capital Projects |
Facilities |
AnthonyC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5041 |
Apikos, Dr. Lisa Adjunct, Psychology |
Faculty |
ApikosL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Archie, Tandra Adjunct, Accounting |
Workforce Division |
ArchieT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Areias, Cheryl Executive Assistant, Vice President of Academic Affairs |
Academic Affairs |
AreiasC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3607 |
Armas, Jose Student Assistant |
Human Resources |
ArmasJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Arms, Kevin Associate Dean Library & Learning Services |
Library |
ArmsK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 ext. 2262 |
Atkinson, Kristofer Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Faculty |
AtkinsoK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Avans, Brad Prior Learning Assessment Coordinator II |
Registrar |
AvansB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3561 |
Babin , Courtney Work Study Federal |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
BabinC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bailey, Dr. Lisa Assistant Professor, Nursing Skills Lab |
ASN Program |
BaileyLi@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2152 |
Balkaran, Sabina Adjunct, Psychology |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
BalkaraS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ballard, Jessica Helpdesk Administrator |
Information Technologies |
BallardJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3530 |
Barreiro, Fernando Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
BarreirF@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Barreto, Sebastian Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
BarretoS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Barrientos, Sarah Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
BarrienS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Barry, Kacey Generalist, Human Resource Operations |
Human Resources |
BarryK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Barton, Kelsey Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
BartonK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Basdeo, Steven Manager, Campus Store |
Financial Services |
BasdeoS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--212 |
Bassett, Benjamin Student Assistant |
BassettB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bazemore, Shirley Academic Advisor II |
Advising |
BazemorS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2121 |
Beachum, Christie Adjunct Instructor - BAS Organizational Management Program |
Workforce Division |
BeachumC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Beener, Sandra VP Inst Advance Executive Assistant |
Foundation |
BeenerS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3518 |
Beiser, Scott Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Workforce DICD |
BeiserS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bennett, Daryl Adjunct, Engineering Technology |
Workforce Division |
BennettDA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bereczky, Agnes Assistant Professor Mathematics |
Math |
BereczkA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Betancourt, Juan Adjunct Instructor Chemistry |
Academic Affairs |
BetancoJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bhajan, Nickalou Manager, Enterprise Systems |
Information Technologies |
BhajanN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6336 |
Bigge, Stacey Academic Advisor |
Advising |
BiggeS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3671 |
Billings, Rich Baseball Coach/Service Learning Coordinator |
Athletics |
BillingR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6420 |
Blackshear, Rosmin Clinical Coordinator, Health Professions Programs |
ASN Program |
BlackshR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Blasjo, Roberta Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
BlasjoR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Boardman, Sofiya Student Assistant |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
BoardmaS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Boateng, Justice Instructor, Mathematics |
Math |
BoatengJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6409 |
Boatright, Alyssa Instructor Biology |
Science |
BoatrigA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Booker, Matthew Instructor, Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
BookerM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bostic, Kameesha Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
BosticK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bostick, Jackie Director of Financial Aid |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
BostickJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Boumarate, Aby Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
BoumarateA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bourget, Dawn Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Academic Affairs |
BourgetD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bourne, Nancie Assistant Director, Academic Advising |
Advising |
BourneN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3673 |
Bowers, Iona CTL Testing Manager |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
BowersI@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5009 |
Bowman, Robert Adjunct Instructor English |
Academic Affairs |
BowmanR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bowron, Mackenzie Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
BowronM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Boyd, Susan Adjunct Instructor |
BSN Program |
BoydS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bragg, Madison Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
BraggM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Brandt, Amanda Adjunct Instructor Biological Sciences |
Science |
BrandtA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2145 |
Brathwaite, Tatiana Missing Primary Job Record |
MLT Program |
BrathwaT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Breen, Catherine Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
BreenCa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Breen, Charlie Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
BreenC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bridgeman, Gregory Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice |
Workforce DICD |
BridgemG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3636 |
Brinkley, Andrew Coordinator of Veteran & International Students |
Financial Aid |
BrinkleA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3686 |
Broemmer, Darren Associate Professor of Computer Science |
Workforce DICD |
Broemmed@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Brooks, Andrea Senior Enrollment Counselor and Recruiter |
Enrollment Services |
BrooksA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2232 |
Brooks, Gregory Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Faculty |
BrooksG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Brown, Kirby Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
BrownK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Brown, Sybil Associate Professor Mathematics |
Math |
BrownSY@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2128 |
Broxton, Audrey Adjunct, Accounting |
Workforce Division |
BroxtonA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bruno, Alex Assistant Professor Foreign Language |
Communication |
BrunoA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2137 |
Buchanan, Zachariah Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce Division |
BuchananZ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bull, Shalon Adjunct Instructor Nutrition |
Workforce Division |
BullS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bunting, Ayden Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
BuntingA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Burks, Mathew Developer II, Enterprise Application |
Information Technologies |
BurksM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 ext. 4075 |
Burno, Alexa Counselor, Financial Aid |
Financial Aid |
BurnoA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Burns, Amy Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
BurnsA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Bush, Matthew Facilities Technician IV Electrician |
Facilities |
BushM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3538 |
Byrd, Dr. Laura Interim President |
Foundation |
ByrdL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3515 |
Byrd, Julian Senior Counselor, Enrollment |
Enrollment Services |
ByrdJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3672 |
Campbell, Damion Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
CampbelD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Canady, David Adjunct, Engineering Technology |
Workforce DICD |
CanadyD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Candelario, Elise Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
CandelaE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Capitanelli, Sophie Coach, Strength and Conditioning |
Athletics |
CapitanS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Carl, Amanda Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
CarlA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Carreno, Crystal Missing Primary Job Record |
Early College Programs |
CarrenoC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6359 |
Carter, Colleen Dean, ASN Program |
ASN Program |
CarterCo@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3533 |
Cary, Maria Training Development Specialist |
Prof & Organizational Dev |
CaryM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2201 |
Cason, James Adjunct Instructor Education |
Library |
CasonJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5030 |
Cassella, Jennifer OPS PT Clerical |
Library |
CassellaJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Casteel, Maxine Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
CasteelM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Castello, Tammy Data Analyst |
Process Imp & Inst Research |
castellt@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3668 |
Cavanah, Megan Dean, Math |
Academic Affairs |
CavanahM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--221 |
Cegarra, Isabella Work Study Federal |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
CegarraI@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Centers, Jennifer Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
CentersJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cerione, Jennifer Assistant Professor Biological Sciences |
Science |
CerioneJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2205 |
Cerqua, Caryl Controller |
Financial Services |
CerquaC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3575 |
Champlin, Jaylin Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
ChampliJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3588 |
Chancey, Aeryn Adjunct Instructor |
DNU Nursing |
ChanceyA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Chandler, Heather Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
ChandleH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Chandrasena, Judith Adjunct, Nursing |
Workforce Division |
ChandraJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cheatham, Audrey Coordinator I, Prior Learning Assessment |
Enrollment Services |
CheathaA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2103 |
Choudri, Mishal Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
ChoudriM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Christian, Laura Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
ChristiL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cichocki, Shannon Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Faculty |
CichockS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cisneros, Simon Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Faculty |
CisnerosS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Clark, Cassandra Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce Division |
ClarkC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Clark, Jacquel Assistant Professor Accounting |
Workforce DICD |
ClarkJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3627 |
Clark, Steve Dean, Science |
Science |
ClarkS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2124 |
Claypoole, Tori Adjunct, Psychology |
Faculty |
ClaypooV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cole, Marilyn Coordinator Nursing Student Success |
ASN Program |
ColeM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 756-4187 |
Collier, Owen Student Assistant |
Information Technologies |
CollierO@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Conant, Dr. Charise Assistant Professor Music |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
ConantC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3651 |
Conard, Liam Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
ConardL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cooper, David Specialist I, Technology Support |
Information Technologies |
CooperD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cope, Ronald Science Lab Technician I |
Science |
CopeR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2224 |
Cornell, Kelly Associate Professor Commercial Arts |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
cornellk@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3511 |
Cowels, Magone Acting Generalist, HR Operations |
Human Resources |
CowelsM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Cowsert, Elizabeth Coordinator, Human Resources - Special Projects |
Human Resources |
CowsertE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Craig, Gregory Dean, Communications |
Communication |
CraigG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2196 |
Crandall, Lacey Coordinator, Sports Information |
Athletics |
CrandalL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6403 |
Creamer, Jenni Missing Primary Job Record |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
CreamerJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Creary, Stephen Instructional Support Assistant II, Math Emporium-South Lake |
Math Emporium |
CrearyS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Crocker, Austin Student Assistant |
Information Technologies |
CrockerA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6500 |
Crocker, Lisa Instructional Support Assistant III |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
CrockerL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2206 |
Croson, James Adjunct, Music |
Faculty |
CrosonJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 728-3747 |
Crossland, Riley Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
CrosslaR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Crowder, Stephenie Director, Accounting |
Financial Services |
CrowderS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6453 |
Cummings, Nancy Program Director, Sports Leadership and Coaching |
Workforce DICD |
CummingsN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Curington, Emily Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
CuringtE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
D'Andrea, Rachael Adjunct, Nursing |
Faculty |
DAndreaR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Dail, Andrew Reference/Instruction Librarian |
Library |
DailA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2290 |
Dariano, Michael Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
DarianoM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Davis, Kelly Assistant Professor Developmental English |
Communication |
davisk@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6599 |
DeFlaviis, Virginia Student Assistant |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
DeFlaviV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Dean, Isabella Student Assistant |
Early College Programs |
DeanI@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Delgado, Ruben Student Assistant |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
DelgadoR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Delva, Ashley Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
DelvaA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Desai, Aarti Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
DesaiA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3554 |
Diamand, Ana Assistant Librarian |
Library |
diamandA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2148 |
Dicus, Rebecca Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce |
DicusR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Diggs, DeAnna Director, Youth Outreach and Programming |
Early College Programs |
DiggsD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3610 |
Dillinger, William Institutional Research Analyst |
Process Imp & Inst Research |
DillingW@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2281 |
Diomede, David Web Developer |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
DiomedeD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Dodd , Marc Adjunct Instructor Education |
Academic Affairs |
DoddM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Dowling, Daniel Student Assistant |
Workforce DICD |
DowlingD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Doyle, Jason Academic Advisor |
Advising |
DoyleJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-2221 |
Droira, Jordan Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
DroiraJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Drum, Dr. Matthew Assistant Professor, Biology |
Science |
DrumM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6554 |
Drunasky, Tammie Jo Assistant Director, Athletics |
Athletics |
DrunaskyT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3645 |
Dudley, Michelle OPS PT Clerical |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
DudleyM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Duncan, Bruce Administrator, Contracts |
President's Office |
DuncanB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3678 ext. 0 |
Duran, Marilyn Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
DuranM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Durante, Charles Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Faculty |
DuranteC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Duslak, Mark Executive Director Process Improvement & Institutional Research Compliance |
Process Imp & Inst Research |
DuslakM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3536 |
Dyrkacz, John Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Academic Affairs |
DyrkacJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Elmatti, Heather Associate Professor Speech |
Communication |
ElmattiH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3652 |
Emmons, Amber Print Production & Mailroom Coordinator |
Mailroom-D/S/R |
EmmonsA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3514 |
Escalante, Dr. Gus Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
EscalanG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Eugene, Alexandra Adjunct, Accounting |
Workforce DICD |
EugeneA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ezell, Hunter Missing Primary Job Record |
EzellH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Falcon, Katherine Adjunct Instructor - BAS Organizational Management Program |
Workforce DICD |
FalconK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Fam, Francheska Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
FamF@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Farms , Alan Adjunct Instructor Biological Sciences |
Academic Affairs |
FarmsA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Feltner, Emily Adjunct Instructor Education |
Academic Affairs |
FeltnerE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ferguson, Monique Student Assistant |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
FergusoM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--633 |
Fernandes, Hannah Student Assistant |
Human Resources |
FernandH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ferrero, Sunny Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
FerreroS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Fleck, Amy Administrative Assistant, AVP of Workforce |
Workforce DICD |
FleckA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Flores, Annabella Missing Primary Job Record |
Student Engagement & Develop |
FloresA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Forbes, Courtney Instructor Biology |
Science |
ForbesC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6574 |
Ford, Taylor OPS PT Clerical |
Foundation |
FordT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5032 |
Foshee, Matthew Developer II, Enterprise Application |
Information Technologies |
FosheeM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Fox, Cindy Student Assistant |
Enrollment Services |
FoxC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6573 |
Frank, Kevin Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
FrankK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Franklin, Brenda Missing Primary Job Record |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
FrankliB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2223 |
Freeman, Ethan Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
FreemanE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Fudge, Becky Specialist, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment Services |
FudgeB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 568-0001 ext. 1011 |
Fullerton, Jared OPS PT Tech/Trades |
Workforce DICD |
FullertJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gamboa, Kirsten Early College Programs Operations Manager |
Early College Programs |
GamboaK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3606 |
Gandaho, Naomie Instructional Support Assistant I |
Math Emporium |
GandahoN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2206 |
Garcia, Jose Work Study Federal |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
GarciaJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gation, Jean-Frantz Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
GationJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gaytan, Valeria Work Study Federal |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
GaytanV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gazler, Sandra Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
GazlerS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gentner, Eric Financial Aid Specialist |
Financial Aid |
GentnerE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2185 |
Gerig, Dr. Shelly BAS Strategic Leadership Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
GerigS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gibson, Beverly Reference / Instruction Librarian Sumter |
Library |
GibsonB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gibson, Kelly Manager, Payroll Operations |
Payroll |
GibsonK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3662 |
Giddens, Olivia Student Assistant |
Foundation |
GiddensO@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gilbertson, Dr. Kendra Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
GilbertK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gill, Abrianna Math Emporium Instructional Assistant I SL |
Math Emporium |
GillA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Girard, Janice Lecturer, Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
GirardJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5049 |
Glisson, Sarah Work Study Federal |
Early College Programs |
GlissonS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gloss, Debra Academic Advisor III |
Advising |
GlossD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2133 |
Godwin, Ryan Academic Advisor I |
Advising |
GodwinR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3570 |
Gohrs, Kendall Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
GohrsK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gonzalez, Dr. Nathan Adjunct Instructor - BAS Organizational Management Program |
Workforce DICD |
GonzalNa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gonzalez, Jose Associate Vice President, Marketing and Public Affairs |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
GonzaleJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gonzalez-Freites, Naomi Director, Production Studio |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
GonzalezN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gordon, Pamela Specialist, Financial Aid |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
GordonP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365--358 |
Goretsky, Irina Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
Goretski@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Govan, Natasha Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
GovanN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Graham, Djuan Adjunct Instructor |
Math |
GrahamD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Graham, Genesis Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
GrahamG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Greathouse, Dr. Justin Director, Faculty Development |
Prof & Organizational Dev |
GreathoJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2198 |
Green, Courtney Instructor, English |
Communication |
GreenC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Green, Danielle Test Proctor |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
GreenD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Greinke, Caleb Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Academic Affairs |
GreinkeC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Griffith, Mary Ellen Adjunct Instructor English |
Academic Affairs |
GriffitM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Grinnell, Peyton Adjunct Instructor Criminal Justice |
GrinnellP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Guerrero, Raul Work Study Federal |
Student and Career Engagement |
GuerrerR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Guidet, Marissa Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
GuidetM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gump, Raechel Library Specialist II |
Library |
gumpr@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6451 |
Gurden, Brigitte Manager, Grants |
Foundation |
GurdenB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Gutierrez, Maria Coordinator, Student Activities |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
GutierrM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Guyton, Spring Adjunct Instructor Foreign Language |
Academic Affairs |
GuytonS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Haggins, Emani Work Study Federal |
Financial Aid |
HagginsE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hall, Alicia Director, SAS |
Student Accessibility Services |
HallAL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3589 |
Hall, Brad Associate Controller |
Financial Services |
HallB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--632 |
Hall, Michael Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce Division |
HallM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hancock, Claudia Administrator, Facilities |
Facilities |
HancockC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3538 |
Hannon, Nia Enterprise Application Developer II |
Information Technologies |
HannonN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6340 |
Hariharan, Sumathi Instructor Engineering Technology |
Workforce DICD |
HariharS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6309 |
Harmon, George Athletic Bus Driver |
Athletics |
HarmonG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Harpster, Elysse Work Study Federal |
Student Engagement & Develop |
HarpsterE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Harris, Christopher Facilities Technician III |
Facilities |
HarrisC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--229 |
Harris, Stephen Administrator III, Systems |
Information Technologies |
HarrisS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3565 |
Harsh, Laurie Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
HarshL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hart, Robert Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
HartR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Haynes, Jennifer Adjunct, Psychology |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
HaynesJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Heath, Bethany Academic Advisor I |
Advising |
HeathB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5044 |
Heikkinen, Mary Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
HeikkinM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Heister, Davis Video Editor Videographer |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
HeisterD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Heister, Michelle Assistant Director, Events |
Campus Transformation & Events |
HeisterM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Henderson, Amber Adjunct Instructor |
Science |
HendersA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hermann, Hugh Director Health Sciences Collegiate Academy |
Health Sciences Collegiate Aca |
HermannH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2228 |
Hernandez, Sasha Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
HernanSa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hernandez Sep�lveda , Andrew Program Director, Digital Media and Video Production |
Workforce DICD |
HernandA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Herrera, Shannon Development Officer LSSC Foundation |
Foundation |
HerreraS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hickmon, Kelly Assistant Director, Academic Advising & Student Support |
Advising |
HickmonK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 374-7 |
Hicks, Ramona Director, Health Professions Operations |
Health Professions |
HicksR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3653 |
Higdon, Kacey Adjunct Instructor Foreign Language |
Academic Affairs |
HigdonK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hildebrand, Shasten Executive Assistant, Vice President of Enrollment & Student Affairs |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
HildebrS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3594 |
Hilding, Mark Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Faculty |
HildingM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hiles, Erin Executive Assistant, CIO/CFO |
Information Technologies |
HilesE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hill, Patrick Student Assistant |
Information Technologies |
HillP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hogans, Karen Vice President, Academic Affairs |
Academic Affairs |
Hogansk@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6354 |
Holloway, Doris Instructional Support Assistant II, Math Emporium II - Leesburg |
Math Emporium |
HollowaL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Homer, Brady Student Assistant |
Library |
HomerB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Horvath, Devin Executive Director, Enterprise Systems |
Information Technologies |
HorvathD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6349 |
Hubbard, Maria Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
HubbardM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Hurley, Les Assistant Professor, Economics |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
HurleyL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2132 |
Husebye, Steven Assistant Professor, Physical Science |
Science |
HusebyeS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2204 |
Hutto, Vernon Student Assistant |
Athletics |
HuttoV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ibrahim, Mamdouh Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
IbrahimM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ingold, Kathy Director, Foundation |
Foundation |
IngoldK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3591 |
Irvine, Janice Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
IrvineJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Iszard, Calvin Adjunct Instructor Journalism |
Communication |
IszardC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ivey, Beate Manager, Student Employment |
Student and Career Engagement |
IveyB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3603 |
Jackson, James Assistant Professor, Biology |
Science |
JacksoJa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2190 |
Jackson, Jennifer Executive Director, Academic Advising |
Advising |
JacksonJe@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6552 |
Jardim, Madison Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
JardimM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Jenifer, Amber Work Study Federal |
Early College Programs |
JeniferA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Joglar, Adriana Specialist, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment Services |
JoglarA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Johnson, Arminta Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services |
Enrollment Services |
JohnsonA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3510 |
Johnson, Barrett Coordinator, Marketing Project |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
JohnsonB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Johnson, Elizabeth Adjunct Instructor - BAS Organizational Management Program |
Workforce DICD |
JohnsonE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6329 |
Johnson, Robert William Director of Technology Infrastructure |
Information Technologies |
Rob.Johnson@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3687 |
Johnson, Robin Adjunct Instructor |
MLT Program |
JohnsoRo@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Johnson, Stephen Adjunct Instructor |
Science |
JohnsonS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Karlins, Amber Assistant Professor, English/Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
KarlinsA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3632 |
Kasem, Salma Manager, Academic Success Center SL and 4C |
Math Emporium |
KasemS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kay-Martinez , Marni Program Director, ELA & Reading Education |
Academic Affairs |
KayM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kebbie-Anthony, Abu Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
KebbieAA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Keeler, Alex Program Director, Business |
Workforce DICD |
KeelerA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kelly, Stephen Athletic Bus Driver |
Athletics |
KellyS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kemp, Corinne Student Assistant |
Foundation |
KempC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5032 |
Kemp, Nicholas Vice President Technology Innovation/CIO |
Information Technologies |
KempN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6310 |
Kennedy, Matthew Assistant Professor English |
Communication |
KennedyM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2244 |
Kennedy, Scott Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
KennedyS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kenyon, Catherine Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
KenyonC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Khan, Shameeza Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
KhanS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kieft, Thom Vice President Facilities Planning & Operations |
Facilities |
kieftt@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2150 |
King, Kristopher Analyst, Enterprise Solutions |
Information Technologies |
KingK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3531 |
Kinne, Robert Assistant Director, Facilities |
Facilities |
KinneR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6366 |
Kirchner, Amanda Assistant Professor, English |
Communication |
KirchneA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2243 |
Kiselica, Jennifer Coordinator, SAS |
Student Accessibility Services |
KiselicJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5033 |
Kocis, Emily Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
KocisE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3554 |
Koga, Laura Director, Prior Learning Assessment |
Registrar |
KogaL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3564 |
Kosmos, Gary Learning Assistant, Apprenticeship Electrician Program |
Workforce DICD |
KosmosG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Kowalski, Adrianne Director, Clinical Education - Respiratory Care |
Respiratory Care Program |
KowalskA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Krein, Michael Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
KreinM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Krishnadatt, Marisa Student Assistant |
Library |
KrishnaM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Krueger, Patricia Testing Center Administrative Assistant |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
KruegerP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 243-2223 |
Kulmatycski, John Facilities Technician II |
Facilities |
KulmatyJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
LaFountain, Raechel Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
LaFountR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
LaHood, Mark Academic Advisor I |
Advising |
LaHoodM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2225 |
LaRosa, Karen Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
LaRosaK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lachman, Patty Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
LachmanP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lahel, Sunetta Assistant Director Recruitment |
Human Resources |
LahelS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3527 |
Lahr, Daniel Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
LahrD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Laios, Amanda Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Academic Affairs |
LaiosA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lalanne, Etzer Student Assistant |
Information Technologies |
LalanneE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lanning, Carmen Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
LanningC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Layland, Sarah Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
LaylandS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
LeBeau, Keith Assistant Registrar |
Registrar |
LeBeauK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3663 |
LeCouteur, Eric Adjunct, Accounting |
Faculty |
LeCouteurE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
LeGault, Alexandria Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
LeGaultA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lee, Victoria Academic Advisor, Athletics |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
LeeV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--658 |
Lehnowsky, Mark Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
LehnowsM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Leibner, Christopher Assistant Professor, Biology |
Science |
LeibnerC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 243-5722 |
Leister, Michael CDL Examiner |
Workforce DICD |
LeisterM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Leone, Marie Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
LeoneM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Levin, Daniel Instructor, Mathematics |
Math |
LevinD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6596 |
Light, Jeff Director, Energy Programs |
Workforce DICD |
LightJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6528 |
Lindsay , Auburn Adjunct, Music |
Academic Affairs |
LindsayA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lindstrom, Aspacia Program Director, Digital and Performing Arts |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
LindstroA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2154 |
Lippitt, Lisa Adjunct Instructor English |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
LippittL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lithila, Amber Instructor, Nursing 12 month |
ASN Program |
LithilaA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lithila, Luka Student Assistant |
Academic Affairs |
LithilaL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lithila, Monsavahn Program Director, MLT |
MLT Program |
LithilaM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lloyd, Jackson Student Assistant |
Facilities |
LloydJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lockhart, Jadon Missing Primary Job Record |
Library |
LockharJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lontz, Mandy Adjunct Instructor |
ASN Program |
LontzM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lopez, Awilda Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Math |
LopezA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2146 |
Love, Kelly Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
LoveK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lovelady, Catrina Program Director, Respiratory Care |
Respiratory Care Program |
LoveladC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2248 |
Lowry, Amy Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Communication |
LowryA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Lozano, Samara Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
LozanoS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2152 |
Luke, Stephanie Executive Director, BS in Elementary Education |
Elem Education |
LukeS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3638 |
Lyda, Seth Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
LydaS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Madson, Jennifer Assistant Director of Student Accounts |
Financial Services |
MadsonJ@lssc.edu +1 (352) 323-3681 |
Magyar, Michael Outside Vendor for AD Testing (Rob Johnson) |
IT |
Michael.Magyar@LSSC.EDU |
Manning, Pamela Adjunct Instructor English |
Academic Affairs |
ManningP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Manus, Geraldine Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
ManusG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Marcal, Kelly Enrollment Counselor and Recruiter |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
MarcalK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Marcial, Ivan Specialist I, Technology Support |
Information Technologies |
Marciali@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-4003 |
Marshall, Morgan Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
MarshallM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Martinez-Rodriguez, Samuel Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
MartineS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Mason, Christopher Instructor, Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
MasonC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6575 |
Matis, Michelle Vice President of Finance and CFO |
Financial Services |
MatisM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6351 |
McCullough, Kaden Student Assistant |
Student Engagement & Develop |
McCulloK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
McGaffick, Katherine Student Assistant |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
McGaffiK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--656 |
McGuire, Christopher Director, Student Leadership & Development |
Early College Programs |
McGuireC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
McLaughlin, Jacob Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
McLaughJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3554 |
Meier, John Athletics Grounds Coordinator |
Athletics |
MeierJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3674 |
Mendez, Jamie Work Study Federal |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
MendezJa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Mendez, Justin Student Assistant |
Enrollment Services |
mendezJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3692 |
Mendoza, Jessica Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
mendozaj@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Mews, Joseph Vice President of Enrollment & Student Affairs |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
MewsJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3587 |
Meyers, Robin Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
MeyersR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Miller, Edward Academic Advisor I |
Advising |
MillerEd@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--219 |
Miller, Eleanor Director, Student Wellness |
Student Engagement & Develop |
MillerE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6335 |
Miller, Eric Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
MillerEr@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Miller, Jay (James) Interim Director, Athletics and Head Softball Coach |
Athletics |
MillerJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3655 |
Miller, Nicole Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
MillerN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Miller, William Athletic Bus Driver |
Athletics |
MillerB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3655 |
Miller-Ulrich, Aidyn Audiovisual Technician I |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
MillerUA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Modeste, Abigail Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
ModesteA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2206 |
Moore, Caitlin Registrar |
Registrar |
MooreC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3677 |
Moore, Kelly Biological Sciences, Assistant Professor |
Science |
MooreK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6595 |
Moore, Sean Missing Primary Job Record |
Campus Safety |
MooreS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Morales, Jonathan Work Study Federal |
Workforce DICD |
MoralesJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Morange, Brittany Assistant Professor Nursing- RN to BSN 12 month |
BSN Program |
MorangeB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3521 |
Morinvil, Christopher Work Study Federal |
Athletics |
MorinviC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Morris, Danielle Coordinator, Nursing Student Success |
ASN Program |
MorrisD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Morrison, Dalton Work Study Federal |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
MorrisoD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Morse, Michael Assistant Professor Humanities |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
MorseM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6304 |
Muhlhauser, Leslie Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
MuhlhauL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Mulligan, Rita Coordinator, Health Professions Students |
Health Professions |
MulligaR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6319 ext. 6319 |
Murray, Julie Administrative Assistant Allied Health |
Health Professions |
MurrayJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3540 |
Napoles, Peter Operations Manager Fine Arts Center |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
NapolesP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3562 |
Nathanson, Rebecca Executive Director, Campus Safety & Security/Title IX Coordinator |
Campus Safety |
NathansR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3615 |
Nees, David Adjunct, Music |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
NeesD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Neira-Noboa, Paola Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
NeiraP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nelson, Patricia Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
NelsonP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nereim, Michele Adjunct Instructor |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
NereimM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nerestant, Jeffneed Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
NerestaJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nicole, Casey Academic Advisor I |
Health Sciences Collegiate Aca |
NicoleC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nimeth, Jason Adjunct Instructor - BAS Organizational Management Program |
Workforce DICD |
NimethJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 563-2211 |
Nisbet, Elizabeth Adjunct, Physics |
Faculty |
NisbetE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Noone, Keith Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Math |
NooneK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Norton, Adam Student Assistant |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
NortonAd@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Norton, Alison Assistant Librarian, Digital Services |
Library |
NortonA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6443 |
Norton, Jeremy Professor Political Science |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
NortonJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3611 |
Norton, Rachel Student Assistant |
Financial Aid |
NortonR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Nunez, Dr. Roland Executive Director, Early College Program |
Early College Programs |
NunezR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3691 |
O'Connor, Jane Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
OConnorJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
O'Grady, Jane Adjunct, Nursing |
Faculty |
OGradyJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
O'Meara, Shannon Adjunct Instructor Nutrition |
Workforce DICD |
OMearaS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
O'Neill, Colleen Assistant Director, Educational Opportunity Program |
Early College Programs |
ONeillC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5045 |
O'Quin , Carl Facilities Technician III Plumber |
Facilities |
OquinC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Oatis, Carolyn Adjunct, Medical Lab Tech |
MLT Program |
OatisC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ortiz, Yolanda Coordinator, Enrollment & Student Services -4 Corners |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
OrtizY@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Osborn, Nicole Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Math |
OsbornN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3658 |
Osias, Henry Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
OsiasH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Osteen, John Adjunct, Engineering Technology |
Workforce DICD |
OsteenJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Outar, Alissa Student Assistant |
Enrollment Services |
OutarA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Outar, Hemchan Facilities Technician II |
Facilities |
OutarR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Overmyer, Charmaine Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
OvermyeC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Pantoja, Jannice Director, Alumni Relations |
Foundation |
PantojaJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Panui, Zandy Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
PanuiZ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Pappas, Keisha Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
PappasK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Paredes, Roysabel Adjunct, Engineering Technology |
Workforce DICD |
ParedesR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Parks, Nancy Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Math |
ParksNa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6416 |
Partab, Neil Computer Technician I |
Information Technologies |
PartabN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Peach, Melanie Adjunct Instructor Foreign Language |
Faculty |
PeachM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Pearl, Selah Student Assistant |
Math Emporium |
PearlS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Peckinpaugh, Madison Student Assistant |
Campus Transformation & Events |
PeckinpM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Pelegrin, Luis Senior Graphic Designer |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
PelegriL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6368 |
Pelfrey, Sherry Manager, Events |
Campus Transformation & Events |
PelfreyS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3614 |
Pellegrino, Frances Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
PellegrF@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Perez, Veronica Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
PerezV@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Perez Rivera, Susana Student Assistant |
Workforce DICD |
PerezS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Perry, Brady Part Time: Enrollment Support Specialist |
Athletics |
PerryBr@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Perry, Scott Library Technician II |
Library |
PerryS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 ext. 1015 |
Peterson, Mark Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Workforce DICD |
petersoM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Phillips, Dave Chief Information Security Officer |
Information Technologies |
PhillipD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5021 |
Pierce, Jacklyn Adjunct Instructor English |
Faculty |
PierceJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3631 |
Pierce, Taralyn Assistant Professor Reading |
Communication |
PierceT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2193 |
Prather, Jayla Work Study Federal |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
PratherJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2180 |
Presy, Joanna Coordinator, Educational Opportunity Program |
Early College Programs |
PresyJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Price, Shane Program Director, EDT |
Workforce DICD |
PriceS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Purallo, Chris Coordinator Library and Learning Services |
Library |
PuralloC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3549 |
Rabenstine, Carol CDL Examiner |
Workforce DICD |
RabenstC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rackley, Nora Reference / Instruction Librarian |
Library |
rackleyn@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3586 |
Rahim, Amielyah Student Assistant |
Campus Safety |
RahimAm@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rajaram, Rhea Test Proctor |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
RajaramR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3610 |
Rambarran, Alicia Adjunct, Accounting |
Workforce DICD |
RambarrA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ramirez, Johnny Instructional Support Assistant II |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
RamirezJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Ramos, Dr. Christine Associate Vice President, Health Professions Programs |
Health Professions |
RamosC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3519 |
Redman, John Director, Production & Education Technology Services |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
RedmanW@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3560 |
Registre, Ronaldo Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
RegistrR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Reid, Hailey Coordinator, Educational Opportunity Program |
Early College Programs |
ReidH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--210 |
Rey, Diane Athletic Trainer |
Athletics |
ReyD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6320 |
Rheinecker, Julie Director, Recruitment and Enrollment |
Enrollment Services |
RheinecJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rhodes, Tyler Instructor, Political Science |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
RhodesT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6594 |
Richards, Claude Assistant Professor, Physical Science |
Science |
RichardC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6406 |
Ritter, Anthony Assistant Director, Dual Enrollment |
Health Sciences Collegiate Aca |
RitterA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--214 |
Rittman, Countess Counselor, Financial Aid |
Financial Aid |
RittmanC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3689 |
Roark, Pamela BSN Adjunct Instructor |
BSN Program |
RoarkP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Roberson, Kathryn Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
RobersoK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Roberts, Marc Assistant Professor English |
Academic Affairs |
RobertMa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Robertson, Mary Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
RobertsM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Robinson, Deborah Test Proctor |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
RobinsoD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Roby, Julie Assistant Professor, Psychology |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
RobyJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2264 |
Rocha, Michael Analyst III, Network |
Information Technologies |
RochaM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--217 |
Rodgers, Kaci Instructor, Biological Science |
Science |
RodgersK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2233 |
Rodriguez, Alberto Director, Workforce Education, Four Corners |
Workforce DICD |
RodriguA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--658 |
Rodriguez, Alejandro Program Director, Construction Management |
Workforce DICD |
RodrigAl@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rodriguez, Hennessey Student Assistant |
Athletics |
RodriguH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rodriguez, Lillian Director of Human Resources Operations |
Human Resources |
RodriguL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3547 |
Rodriguez, Maria Specialist, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
RodriguM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rogers, Brian Assistant Professor History |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
rogersb@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2200 |
Rogers, Jesse Stipend-Rise Summer Math Acad |
RogersJe@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rogers, Kristin Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Faculty |
RogersK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rojas, Joshua Student Assistant |
Advising |
RojasJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Romero, Julio Student Assistant |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
RomeroJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Rubio, Erick Specialist, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
RubioE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365--357 |
Rudden, Dr. Michele Assistant Professor, English/History |
Communication |
RuddenM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6404 |
Rushing, Joshua Adjunct Instructor |
Continuing Education |
RushingJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Russe, Ramon Adjunct, Psychology |
Faculty |
RusseR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sacco, Katie Dean of Library and Learning Center |
Academic Affairs |
SaccoKa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3541 |
Sanders, Sonja Coordinator, Student Accessibility Services |
Student Accessibility Services |
SandersS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2277 |
Sangster, Kailey Adjunct Instructor |
ASN Program |
SangsteK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Santiago, May Instructor, Medical Laboratory Technology - 9 month |
MLT Program |
SantiagM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6593 |
Santos, Gino Specialist I, Technology Support |
Information Technologies |
SantosG@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3604 |
Sargent, Christopher Dean of Workforce Development |
Workforce DICD |
SargentC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3635 |
Saucier, Brian Work Study Federal |
Library |
SaucierB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sawyer, Amy Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
SawyerA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Schmitt, Cooper Administrative Assistant |
Campus Safety |
SchmitCJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6357 |
Schwab, Amy Assistant Professor, Speech |
Communication |
SchwabA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Scott, Carolyn Dean, Students |
Student Engagement & Develop |
ScottC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2211 |
Scouten, Jeremy Videographer I |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
ScoutenJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sedely, Rose Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Affairs |
SedelyR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Seeker, Christopher Operations Specialist, Health Professions |
Health Professions |
SeekerC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2273 |
Serrano, Jessica Assistant Director, Dual Enrollment |
Health Sciences Collegiate Aca |
SerranoJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3679 |
Sewsankar, Ashley Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
SewsankA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sharon, Kayla Coordinator, Health Professions Students |
Health Professions |
SharonK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3513 |
Sharp, Jennifer Adjunct Instructor Computer Science |
Faculty |
sharpj@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Shea, John Adjunct Instructor |
Math |
sheaj@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6409 |
Shea, Randall Math Emporium Instructional Assistant I Leesburg |
Math Emporium |
SheaR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Shelton, Felicia Director of Educational Opportunity Programs |
Early College Programs |
SheltonF@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6323 |
Shepler , Kristin Coordinator, Foundation Events |
Foundation |
SheplerK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365--350 |
Short, Nathan Administrator, Student Information Systems |
Enrollment Services |
ShortN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sierra, Kattie Instructional Support Assistant I |
Center for Teaching & Learning |
SierraK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Silver, Joseph Adjunct Instructor Biological Sciences |
Faculty |
SilverJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Simon, Tracy Academic Advisor |
Advising |
SimonT@lssc.edu +1 (352) 435-5034 |
Singh, Kumar Instructor, Foreign Language |
Communication |
SinghK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6592 |
Singh, Nathalie Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
SinghN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Singh, Rishabh Enterprise Application Administrator III |
Information Technologies |
SinghR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Singletary, Shamir Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
SingletaryS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Singleton, Alexis Student Assistant |
Financial Services |
SingletA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Skeete, Melinda Generalist, HR Operations |
Human Resources |
SkeeteM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3669 |
Skiles, Brenda OPS PT Coach |
Human Resources |
SkilesB@LSSC.EDU |
Skiles, Caitlin Project Manager, Enterprise |
Process Imp & Inst Research |
SkilesC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3697 |
Skoczelas, Brenda Assistant Professor Physics |
Science |
SkoczelB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2288 |
Slack, Catherine Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Faculty |
SlackC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 243-5722 |
Smith, Arianna Work Study Federal |
Early College Programs |
SmithAr@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Smith, Danielle Coordinator, Educational Opportunity Program |
Early College Programs |
SmithD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Smith, Tiffany Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
SmithT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Snellen, Deborah Executive Director Professional & Organizational Development |
Prof & Organizational Dev |
SnellenD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2126 |
Snellgroves, Cristy Head Cross County & Track Coach |
Athletics |
SnellgrC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2102 |
Snow, Brianna Accountant |
Financial Services |
SnowB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Song, Maoying Instructor, Chemistry |
Science |
SongM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Soplinski, Matthew Adjunct, Building Construction Management |
Academic Affairs |
SoplinsM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Spencer, Haley Student Assistant |
Human Resources |
SpencerH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Spencer, Tammy Manager, Accounts Payable |
Financial Services |
SpencerT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3528 |
Spradley, Marieio Adjunct Instructor |
Nursing |
SpradleM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
St. Amour, Yielleen Instructor, Nursing |
Health Professions |
StAmourY@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Stanisic, Marko Enterprise Application Developer II |
Information Technologies |
StanisiM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 ext. 6341 |
Stanley, Neal Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
StanleyN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Starr, Doug Manager, Academic Success Center LE and SU |
Math Emporium |
StarrD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6306 |
Steiner, Nancy Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Math |
SteinerN@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Stephens, Jeffrey Assistant Professor Mathematics |
Math |
StephenJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2117 |
Stevens, Ella Student Assistant |
Registrar |
StevensE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Stills, Jennifer Coordinator, Marketing and Events |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
StillsJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Stinson, Haley Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
StinsonH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Strickland, Laura Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Math |
StricklL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Suarez-Harrison, Edilia Coordinator, Early College Outreach and Programming |
Early College Programs |
SuarezE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sullivan, Sandra Lecturer, Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
SullivaS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Sustarsic, Alissa Senior Professor, Mathematics |
Math |
SustarsA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6407 |
Suttkus, Phillip Academic Technical Specialist |
Academic Affairs |
SuttkusP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2181 |
Swahn, Krista Coordinator, Career Development and Placement |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
SwahnK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Swan, Caitlin Assistant Director, Dual Enrollment |
Early College Programs |
SwanC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Swan, Pamela BSN Adjunct Instructor |
BSN Program |
SwanP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Swithers, Matthew Instructor, Mathematics |
Math |
SwitherM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2230 |
Talbott, Alice Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce Division |
TalbottA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Taylor, Jaabir Student Assistant |
Athletics |
TaylorJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Tedman, Jennifer Specialist, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
TedmanJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Temple, John Vice President, Workforce Programs |
Workforce DICD |
TempleJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3552 |
Terranova, Dr. Elizabeth Assistant Professor, English |
Communication |
TerranEL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2154 |
Terrell, Jessica Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Math |
TerrellJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2245 |
Thigpen, Brandon Instructor Speech |
Communication |
thigpenb@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6591 |
Thomas, Aiden Student Assistant |
Information Technologies |
thomasA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Thompson, Cynthia Program Director, RN-BSN |
Workforce DICD |
ThompsonC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Thu, Winston Coordinator, Digital Engagement |
Marketing & Public Affairs |
ThuW@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--658 |
Timana, Edson Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
TimanaE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Tobie, Delrose Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
TobieD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Todd, Dominique Library Assistant I |
Library |
ToddD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Tolx, Carol Associate Vice President, Human Resources |
Human Resources |
TolxC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3507 |
Torres, Sarah Work Study Federal |
Student Engagement & Develop |
TorresS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536--219 |
Townsend, Deborah Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
TownsenD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Tracy, Rhonda Associate Director, Internship Programs |
Student and Career Engagement |
TracyR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3638 |
Trantham, Jason Coordinator, Student Records |
Registrar |
TranthaJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3572 |
Truenow, Dylan Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
TruenowD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Tucker, Saby Instructor, Nursing |
ASN Program |
TuckerS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2153 |
Upchurch, Toni Assistant Professor, Speech |
Communication |
UpchurcT@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2208 |
Urban, Amy Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
UrbanA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Urquhart, Katherine Assistant Professor Psychology |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
urquhark@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3604 |
Valdes, Cassandra Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Health Professions |
ValdesC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Van Amerongen, Kristina Assistant Professor English |
Communication |
VanAmerK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323-3640 |
Vanden Heuvel, Andrew Adjunct, Physics |
Science |
VandenHA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Vanlandingham, Dylan Student Assistant |
Prod & Education Tech Services |
VanlandD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Vasey, Brian Commercial Driver's License Program Director |
Workforce DICD |
VaseyB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-5022 |
Vazquez, Jose Specialist II, Enrollment Services |
Enrollment Services |
VazquezJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6570 |
Velasquez, Sebastian Student Assistant |
Enrollment & Student Affairs |
VelasquS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Verdejo-Camacho, Melissa Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Academic Affairs |
verdejom@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wagar, Hannah Student Assistant |
Early College Programs |
WagarH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wallace, Maria Assistant Professor of Nursing RN-BSN |
ASN Program |
WallaceM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Walsh, Shannon Adjunct Instructor |
Workforce DICD |
WalshS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Walsworth, Kristine Lecturer, English |
Academic Affairs |
WalsworK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435--655 |
Walters-Richards, Keisha Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
WaltersK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Watkins, Bonnie Adjunct Instructor |
Faculty |
WatkinsB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Watkins, Kay Adjunct Instructor |
MLT Program |
WatkinsK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Weaver, Beckie Health Sciences Collegiate Academy Experiential Learning Coordinator |
Early College Programs |
WeaverB@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 323--362 |
Webb, Dr. Whitley Adjunct, Environmental Science |
Faculty |
WebbW@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Weber, Daniel Dean, Arts/Humanities /SBS |
Arts,Hum,Soc Sci |
WeberDL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2140 ext. 2140 |
Weissman, Karen Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
ASN Program |
WeissmaK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Welsh, Ryan Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
WelshR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wennerstrom, Deborah Adjunct, Psychology |
Faculty |
WennersD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
White, Justin Math Emporium Instructional Assistant I SL |
Math Emporium |
WhiteJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
White, Tamera Student Accounts Specialist |
Financial Services |
WhiteTa@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6307 |
Wickham, Janna Instructor Nursing |
ASN Program |
WickhamJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 536-2153 |
Williams, Piper Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
WilliamP@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Willis, Emily Adjunct, Clinical Nursing |
Workforce DICD |
WillisE@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wilson, Dean Instructional Support Assistant III |
Math Emporium |
WilsonDe@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wilson, Ross Director, Procurement & Auxiliary Services |
Purchasing |
WilsonR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3502 |
Winters, Andrew Adjunct Instructor Humanities |
Academic Affairs |
WinterAn@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wintersdorf, Alisha Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
WintersA@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wisley, Cannon Student Assistant |
Student Engagement & Develop |
WisleyC@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Word, Shaun Chiller Plant Manager |
Facilities |
WordS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3538 |
Worthington, David Adjunct Instructor Social Science |
Faculty |
WorthinD@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wright, Raymond Instructor, Biological Sciences |
Science |
WrightR@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6590 |
Wright, Sean Adjunct, Elementary Education BS |
Faculty |
WrightS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Wurm, Kailyn Executive Assistant, President |
President's Office |
WurmK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3523 |
Yarbrough, Jasmine Assistant Director, Enrollment Service Center |
Enrollment Services |
YarbrouJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6311 |
Yaun, Meredith Coach, PT OPS |
Athletics |
YaunM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Young, Colben Student Assistant |
Facilities |
YoungCo@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Young, Lakeisha Adjunct Instructor |
ASN Program |
YoungL@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Young, Michaela Tutor I |
Learning Center |
YoungM@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Young, Samuel Adjunct Instructor Mathematics |
Academic Affairs |
YoungS@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Youngs, Julia Work Study Federal |
Financial Services |
YoungsJ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
Yurasek, Kevin Executive Director of Strategic Communications |
Strategic Communications |
YurasekK@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 365-3526 |
Ziesemer, Brandy Adjunct, Nursing |
Faculty |
ziesemeb@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 435-6414 |
Zimmermann, Zachary Student Assistant |
Financial Services |
ZimmermZ@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
de Groot, Holland Student Assistant |
Student Engagement & Develop |
deGrootH@LSSC.EDU +1 (352) 787-3747 |
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